The Barber Shop Sketch from Monty Python's Flying Circus and "And Now for Something Completely Different" Customer: Hello, is this the Barbershop Sketch? Barber: Y-y-yes sir. B-b-b-be with you in a minute. (The barber is now washing and re-washing his hands, trying to remove the obvious blood-stains from them and his coat.) Barber: H-h-how would you like it sir? Customer: Just short back and sides. Barber: How do you do that? Customer: Oh, you know, just short back and sides. Barber: It's not a... a razor cut, RAZOR CUT BLOOD ARTERY MURDER SPUrt.. arr... Customer: No, just ordinary short back and sides, you know... Barber: It's just s-s-s-scissors then... Customer: Yes. Barber: You wouldn't rather forget all about it? Customer: What? Barber: You wouldn't prefer to have it just combed? Customer: Oh, no.. I want something cut off! Barber: Cut, CUT HEART HITCHCOCK MURDER BLOOD PSYCHO HOMICIDE SPURT ARTERY TREMOR CORTEX Arrrgg...! (The barber fakes a few quick snips.) Barber: There, finished. Customer: I beg your pardon? Barber: I've finished cutting, cutting, CUTTING, CUTTING YOUR HAIR! Customer: Well, you haven't even done any cutting yet. Barber: All right, I confess I didn't cut your hair. I hate hair. I-I I can't bear cutting it. I have this uncontrolable fear whenever I see hair. My mother said I was a fool! She said the only way to overcome my fear would be to become a barber. I didn't want to be a barber. I wanted to be... A *LUMBERJACK*! (music up)