

We Are All Rich Rosen: Kevin bacon

Worst Boy: Evan Maloney

Stunt Roadkill: Miles O'Neal

Various Contributions

Key Grip: Dave Makower

Get a Grip: Bob Crosier

Poly Grip: Bill Ulrich

Lost His Grip: Wei-Yeh Lee

Crayon Boy[tm]: Weilik Lian

Special Thanks

Pencom Web Works and Pencom Systems for caring about April Fools Day.

The United States of Roadkills-R-Us for sponsorship, web space and name recognition.

The rest of corporate America, for its great sense of humor.

Everyone who got that joke.

Our families, friends, and everyone. You're simply marvelous. Please send money.

The United States Air Force, the United States Navy, the United States Marines, and the United States Army, whom we hope will be inspired by this mention to give us rides in the latest fighters, bombers, carriers, subs, tanks, and so on, and possibly let us fire a few machine guns, artillery, and otherwise make big light and sound.

Honorable (?) Mention
Silicon Graphics, who had nothing to do with this, but who could solve that problem by giving us some way cool equipment and software to do even better work next year.

Copyright 1997 by the O Consortium, Austin, Texas. All rights reserved. These pages may be freely distributed via computer network or other electronic media, or printed out from such media, for personal use only. Any non-personal (ie, commercial) use of this article voids the warranty which prevents our wasting hundreds, if not thousands, of your and our dollars in lawsuits. Commercial copy permission may be granted if, in the authors' opinion, such usage of this article is for purposes the authors holds near and dear to their hearts and/or wallets. For such permission, contact the authors via email at any of or or via mail at the address below.

These pages contains no MSG, sugar, artificial sweeteners, sunlight, air, or other known carcinogenic substances or energy forms. No roadkill were harmed to produce these web pages.

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